The Starting Goalie
On many teams and for a variety of reasons one of the goaltenders is defined as the starter. As you progress up the hockey ladder your goal of course is to be the starter - the go to guy. A starter by definition is the goaltender who plays the majority of the games, the big games,
Goaltender Fighting
Every goaltender at some point has seen the glamorous highlights of a NHL goalie fight. The crowd is going wild, your teammates are cheering and your adrenaline is pumping. You get goose bumps just thinking about it. My purpose in this article is not to glorify and advocate goalie fighting but to offer reasons why every
Backside Leg Recovery Foot Placement
[:en][:de]I'll apologize in advance for writing my first technical article on what can be argued is a very elite and difficult skill, displayed properly by a select few. After some consideration I realized that many Vaughn goalies fit that description and this would be a great discussion especially for those goalies that want to take